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Why Read to Achieve?
The goal of the Read to Achieve (RtA) program is to ensure that every student reads at grade level by the end of third grade. The North Carolina General Assembly's Read to Achieve program is part of the Excellent Public Schools Act. The implementation of RtA was most recently updated by the NC State Board of Education in 2021.
How will Read to Achieve impact my child?
As outlined by the law, if a third-grade student does not have a good cause exemption and does not pass the End-of-Grade (EOG) Reading test, they will be encourage to attend a district-sponsored reading camp during the summer. Your child can then demonstrate their reading proficiency by completing their reading portfolio or passing an alternative assessment. Should you choose not to enroll your child in the reading camp provided by the district, your child may have the opportunity to take the alternative assessment on a designated day.
What steps are being taken to get your third grade student reading on grade level?
Your child's teacher will teach reading throughout the course of the year and will share information about your child's progress at regular intervals (report cards, progress reports conferences, phone calls, etc.). This communication will provide information specific to your child and their reading skills. Talk with your child's teacher about his or her progress.
What if my third grader struggles to read?
Additional help will be provided. Attend parent conferences with your child's teacher in order to learn skills and strategies that will allow you to help your child read proficiently by the end of the year.
How do we determine that a child is reading at grade level?
Students take the Beginning-of-Grade 3 (BOG 3) Reading test at the beginning the school year and the EOG Reading test at the end. If a student passes the EOG reading test, they are eligible to be promoted to fourth grade. If they do not pass, there are other factors known as good cause exemptions that allow your child to be promoted. Students need to meet at least one of the following good cause exemptions:
Limited English Proficient (LEP) students with less than two school years of instruction in the ESL program.
Students with disabilities whose Individualized Education Plan (IEP) indicates either: (i) the use of the NCEXTEND 1 alternate assessment; (ii) at least a two school year delay in educational performance; or (iii) receipt of intensive reading interventions for at least two school years.
Students who have received reading intervention and previously been retained more than once in Kindergarten, first, second, or third grades.
Students who demonstrate reading proficiency on State Board of Education approved alternative assessments (e.g. BOG 3).
Students who demonstrate, through a student reading portfolio, reading proficiency appropriate for third grade students.
If none of the good cause exemptions apply, your student will be encouraged to attend the district-sponsored reading camp to receive additional reading support.
Will my child have to complete the Reading Portfolio passages for each of the standards?
The RtA law gives the option of utilizing a student portfolio for promotion to fourth grade. A student's reading portfolio contains passages that demonstrate proficiency of the standards. If your child qualifies for a good cause exemption (listed above), they do not need to complete a portfolio.